



11月12日,《China Daily 中国日报》在当日出版的报纸第3版进博会专版上刊发报道President's key speech injects confidence inShanghai's role(习近平主席的主旨演讲为上海发展注入强心剂)




11月12日,《China Daily 中国日报》进博会专版



                       President's key speech injects confidence in Shanghai's role




The decisions on the development of Shanghai that President XiJinping elaborated on in his keynote speech at the China International ImportExpo's opening ceremony are providing new paths for and injecting moreconfidence into local companies in Shanghai.




The three decisions, which aim at capitalizing on the importantrole of Shanghai and other areas in China's opening-up, include the expansionof the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone, the launch of a science andtechnology innovation board at the Shanghai Stock Exchange and experimentingwith a registration system for listed companies, as well as the integrateddevelopment of the Yangtze River Delta region.




The construction of China's first privately controlled high-speedrailway line, the Hangzhou-Shaoxing-Taizhou line, backed by Shanghai-basedconglomerate Fosun International Ltd, started late last year and is expected tobe completed in 2021. Wen Xiaodong, global partner of Fosun Group, said theline will boost the economy in the Yangtze River Delta region.




"The region is home to the most robust development ofprivately owned enterprises in China. These companies also have theresponsibility to build a more rapid and convenient transportation network,which is the groundwork of integrated development," he said.



-The End-

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